Natural Earth Paint: About our pigments

Venetian Red – Color Index # PR102
After testing many red earth pigments from around the world, we chose this vibrant red from a family-owned quarry in Italy for its luminous and rich red color and mixing quality. Natural Iron Oxide.
Orange Ochre – Color Index #PY43
A vibrant and warm natural orange pigment. Natural Iron Oxide.
Yellow Ochre – Color Index #PY43
This beautiful yellow ochre comes from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia from a family-owned quarry. Natural Iron Oxide.
Terre Verte – Color Index # PG23
After testing many green earth pigments from around the world, we chose this rich green from a family-owned quarry in Italy. With yellow undertones, it is more translucent when used alone and a rich, opaque green when mixed with white. Natural Earth Loam.
Ultramarine Blue – Color Index # PB29
The blue earth is the only color that has been fired to get this vibrant color. It is composed of 90% earthen clay and 10% man-made, non-toxic minerals, and it is heated in an oven to a high temperature. Throughout history, blues in nature were very rare and usually made with precious stones like Lapis Lazuli. These stones are now unsustainably harvested in Afghanistan, so we have found this beautiful alternative. Origin - France / Lightfastness - Excellent
Burnt Umber – Color Index # PBr7
This rich and beautiful deep brown pigment comes from a family-owned quarry in southern Georgia. Natural Iron Oxide
Violet Earth – Color Index # PR 102
This violet earth hails from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. It is a beautiful earthy reddish, brownish violet. If you would like a more true color spectrum purple, try our new “True Purple”. Natural Iron Oxide.
Black Ocher – Color Index # PBK 11
This earthy black natural ocher comes from a family-owned quarry in Italy. Natural Iron Oxide.
Titanium White Rutile– Color Index # PW6
An opaque white pigment with high opacity to use alone or lighten other colors.
Titanium dioxide occurs in nature as the well-known mineral, Rutile, found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. Rutile is the second most abundant mineral sand. It is processed to extract the pure white mineral that we use in our paint kits. Note: Not to be confused with Titanium Metal (Ti) which is a silver metal that can also be derived from the same deposits but is a separate component. Titanium Metal is not a part of Titanium White pigment which does not contain any metal.
Note: The children’s white paint is made with limestone powder.
Natural Mica Gold - Color Index # PW-20
Our Mica is a very fine, non-tarnishing, brilliant gold that adds a lovely sparkle to paintings. Mix with walnut or linseed oil to create a beautiful gold paint. Note: If added to white or opaque paint, it will get buried.
Ultramarine Purple - Color Index # PV15
This is a beautiful and unique bright purple, similar to Dioxazine Purple, that no other combination of pigments can create.
10% organic, manmade pigment fixed on an earthen clay mineral base. Origin - France / Lightfastness- Excellent
Burnt Sienna – Color Index # PR102
This rich and beautiful deep brown pigment comes from a family-owned quarry in southern Georgia. Natural Iron Oxide
Raw Sienna - Color Index #PY 43
This light, raw sienna is a beautiful golden color with a slight greenish/yellowish undertone. It is harvested in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Viginia.
Raw Umber - Color Index # PBr 7
This rich, raw brown earth has a cool greenish undertone. It is harvested in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Viginia.
Brilliant Yellow
Primary Yellow pigment, similar to Cadmium Yellow - 10% organic pigment fixed on an earthen clay mineral base.
Emerald Green - Color Index # PG 17
Beautiful, opaque and bright, rich green. Very UV resistant and powerful tinting strength.
NEW! Mayan Red - A beautiful, vibrant, bright red. After 4 years of searching for a completely non-toxic, natural and professional grade bright red, she's finally arrived! When mixed is very close to Alizarin Crimson. Makes beautiful, bright pinks when mixed with white. Composed of a natural earth clay base with botanical, organic dyes affixed to it. Note: The volume of these Mayan pigments is 3 times that of other colors for the weight. So it seems like the price is much higher but you're actually getting 3x more pigment.
NEW! Mayan Turquoise - A beautiful, rich turquoise. Finally, a completely natural and non-toxic turquoise made from a natural earth clay base with botanical, organic dyes affixed to it. Note: The volume of these Mayan pigments is 3 times that of other colors for the weight. So it seems like the price is much higher but you're actually getting 3x more pigment.
NOTES: All pigments have excellent and permanent UV lightfastness. Can be mixed with all binders to create many different types of paint. See our Natural Paint Recipes.
The natural iron oxides are the most archival pigments available (thousands upon thousands of years!)
Use care when handling any dry pigment. Avoid inhaling pigment dust.
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